Nutrition Policies

Food at School

We promote healthy eating habits at Paloma. Students may eat a snack at the beginning of their morning recess, and we encourage some type of healthy food. Soft drinks are not allowed, and never send glass containers with your child. Only healthy foods and beverages may be served for classroom celebrations.

District policy lists the following items as acceptable:

Bagels Fresh Fruit Pizza
Bread (plain rolls) Frozen Fruit Bars Popcorn
Cookies (low fat) Low fat meats Refried Beans
Cheeses (low fat) Muffins (low fat) Yogurt
Cottage Cheese Nuts/Nut Bars
Crackers (low fat, whole grain) Milk (2%, 1%, Soy, nonfat & rice milk)
Quick Breads (no frosting) Vegetable Drinks
Drinking Water (plain)
Fruit Drinks (50% fruit)

Candy and gum are not allowed at Paloma.

Parties - Holidays

We have three occasions during the year when class parties are appropriate: winter holidays, Valentine’s Day, and end of the year. These three dates are the limit of our school parties. Room parents will be in charge of arranging these three parties with the teacher.

At least 25% of all planned celebrations and reward events must be done without food or beverages with the exception of water.


Food and/or beverages are not allowed for birthday recognition. Parents may donate a book to the library or the student’s classroom in celebration of their child’s birthday.

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