
Arrival at School

School begins at 8:45 a.m. for 1st - 5th grade. Children are allowed to come on the playground at 8:15 a.m. when supervision is provided. For your children’s safety, they are not to arrive before this time. Please make plans for them if you must leave for work at an earlier time.

Attendance / Extended Absences

Stated law requires regular and punctual attendance. On each day your child is absent, please call the Attendance Phone Number, (760) 290-2199, Ext. 4, with the reason for the absence. Should a situation arise which requires your child to be absent from school for five days or more, please notify the teacher and the office in advance. An Independent Study Contract will be required to be completed.

Tardy Procedures
Late students must first report to the office for a Late Pass prior to going to their classroom. The start of the school day is one of the most important times of the day for your child. Please work to always have your child to school on time!

Change of Dismissal Plans
Your child will be sent home directly after school. If a change in the normal routine is requested, a written note from the parents is necessary. There is no provision for children to play on campus after class dismissal.

Leaving School Early
Students may not leave school early unless they are signed out and picked up in the office by a parent or other person authorized on the Emergency Card. The office must have all names in writing, even relatives.

Change of Address/Phone Number
If you should have a change in your address, phone number, or emergency phone numbers, please notify the office immediately. In the event your child becomes ill or is injured, authorized persons must be able to be contacted.

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