Parental Involvement

Parent helping child



Visitors are required to sign in at the school office before entering the school grounds or classrooms. Classroom and teacher visitations are welcomed, but advance arrangements with the teacher are needed. Visitors will receive an identification badge at the office. Please remember to turn in your name badge when you sign out.


Parents are encouraged to volunteer in their child’s classroom. Please prearrange your visit with the classroom teacher. Younger children should not be brought to class during the visitation. They are disruptive to the learning environment.


Everyone enjoys celebrating special days. The Room Parent coordinates and assists the teacher in planning class parties during the school year. At the teacher’s discretion, other events may be held that will require your assistance. Each Room Parent will be given a list of parents in the child’s classroom who are willing to help.


Often teachers need help with preparation of materials. Even though you are a person working outside the home, you can help by doing preparation work at home for your child’s teacher. The teacher will send home materials as needed that you can help complete or prepare. We’ll even send home the scissors! Your child can also help and both of you will gain as you spend quality time together.


From time to time it is necessary for the school to communicate with the home. Specific notices relating to matters of importance will be sent home as the need occurs. Matters of educational interest about Paloma School and the San Marcos Unified School District as well as educational happenings at state and national levels will be reported in our newsletter.

In general, we will send flyers, handouts, and other notices, both from school and other groups, home on Thursdays in our communications envelope. You are requested to sign that you have received this envelope and return it on Fridays.


On Friday ( See calendar for Details) mornings at 8:45 we will come together on the blacktop area for a special, all-school flag salute. The large Paloma family will use this opportunity to recognize special achievements, present awards, make announcements and celebrate our freedom and American pride with the school-wide rendition of the Pledge of Allegiance. You are invited to join us on Friday mornings for this brief but important ceremony.


Soon after the beginning of school, you will be invited to officially meet the teachers at Paloma. The teacher will explain his/her program, addressing mainly the areas of classroom management, curriculum, and discipline.

It is extremely important that you attend as this overview will allow you to understand in which ways you may help and support both your child and the classroom.


Parent-teacher conferences are an important form of the school’s communication with parents. It allows the teacher and the parents to discuss a unique individual - your child. Student progress will be presented at this time. The teacher will explain the grades, and make comments regarding your child’s strengths and/or any areas the teacher feels need attention. Specific suggestions may be made with regard to class and school programs.

A conference schedule will be sent to you in advance. Conferences will be approximately fifteen (15) minutes in length, at twenty minute intervals. If students from the same household attend Paloma, the teachers will make every effort to schedule these conferences back to back. This often assists the parent in scheduling child care or time off from work in order to attend the conferences. If you know ahead of time that one block of time suits you better than another, please let the teacher know.

Parent Teacher Organization: All Parents are welcome to get involved, please see the office for details.

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