When you're a working parent, finding a safe, caring, and convenient environment for your student before and after school can be difficult. But, not anymore. Kids on Campus, or KOC, is an alternative solution to a traditional day care program and meets the needs of both student and parent.
Susanna Poloa, or Mrs. Susanna as she is known to the students, is the Center Leader at the KOC site located on the campus of Paloma Elementary. She is on campus every day and leads her staff in the day's KOC activities. KOC operates Monday - Friday, 6:30 am - 6:00 pm, and is for students registered at Paloma in grades K-5. This is not a babysitting or drop-in service and students must be enrolled for a minimum of 3-days per week in the program. The fees for KOC vary depending on the shift or shifts that the student attends. There are special payment programs available through the YMCA and CDA to address the financial needs of all our families. Registration packets are available at all school sites or by clicking here. THIS LINK IS THE DIRECT LINK TO THE DISTRICT KOC WEBSITE AND BEST RESOURCE FOR YOU). KOC is closed on school holidays but some campuses offer a Camp Program for extended school vacations. Please inquire about this option when you register at the school site.
KOC is a loving atmosphere that is very structured in order to protect the students and be able to address their individual needs, both academic and social. The morning program for all grades generally consists of table top games, art, and supervised playground time. The students have breakfast in the school cafeteria before being excused for class. When the AM kinders and 1st - 5th graders leave for their school day, the PM kindergarten students are left to have their own time. These children will be engaged in arts and crafts, playground time, group games (music, dancing, etc.) and lunch before being excused to their classes. That's when the AM kindergarten students return to KOC. The activities for these students go in reverse, allowing these children to eat lunch upon arrival at KOC before taking part in arts and crafts, playground activities, group games, and some rest time.
Once school is released for the day, all grades return to KOC but this is not for free, unstructured play. Just like at home, after being offered a healthy snack, it's time for homework. (Please note that KOC can accommodate students with allergies and other special needs.) Students in grades K-2 are grouped separately from students in grades 3-5 for their studies. This allows for a more appropriate work area and individualized attention from the academic helpers. Once homework is done, the students can go out to the playground for supervised good old fashioned kid fun. But KOC doesn't end there. After the children play for awhile, there' still time for arts and crafts and time for the Sundowners to explore their own special interests before the day ends.
As a safety precaution, when dropping students off to KOC, all parents/guardians/responsible persons are required to sign their child into the program. As children are released daily from the program, KOC takes additional precautions to ensure that they are released only to those persons identified on the site paperwork and a signature is required as proof. Also, if students are picked up from KOC during regular school hours, parents/guardians/responsible persons must enter/exit the campus through the front main office, sign in and carry an identifying badge. The gate near the KOC room is only open before and after school hours.