Comprehensive Safety Plan

Paloma is excited to be participating in Dr. Jeffrey Sprague’s BEST behavior student support system which has three simple rules; be respectful, responsible, and safe. Our main goal is to provide an instructional environment where all students, staff and parents feel safe, engaged, and learning is at the forefront of all we do.

Our school’s safety plan is a guide used to ensure the safety of our community. Our School Site Council along with members of our staff meets each year to review our current procedures and create a workable tool to use during an emergency as well as a yearly plan for safety drills.

This document includes three essential components, including characteristics of students and staff, our physical environment, and our school culture, including programs that are currently in place at Paloma Elementary School.

Characteristics of Students and Assuring an Emotionally Nurturing Environment

  • This year Paloma has implemented a Positive Behavior Intervention System (PBIS). This system focuses on “catching students being good” using:
    • Positive Connections

    • Clear simple behavior expectations

    • Monitor students by moving and scanning

    • Notice and reinforce positive behavior

    • Respond immediately to problem behavior

    • Collect data and work as a team

  • Paloma staff worked together to create playground rules, review Systematic Supervision Videos (BEST), and created a token reward system school wide.
  • The Response to Intervention program implemented at the scheduled professional learning community meetings provides emotional and educational assistance for students considered at risk.
  • The school psychologist works in conjunction with the administration, health clerk and classroom teachers to meet the needs of the learning community.
  • Our school social worker provides group counseling to students and at times individual problem solving sessions for students. She helps students struggling with work completion, attendance or homework completion to foster organization and responsibility.
  • Students receive awards for academic achievements and citizenship.
  • Safety Patrol, Student Council, and Peer Buddies provide older students the opportunity to develop responsibility skills and leadership.
  • Paloma PTO focuses all attention on providing activities and resources that encourage student well-being.

Assure a Safe Physical Environment

  • Visitors to Paloma sign in on a daily log and must wear visitor badges or volunteer tags.
  • Student checkout procedures are clearly posted and are adhered to.
  • California Ed. Code and SMUSD board policies regarding suspension and expulsion are communicated to students, staff, and parents.
  • School Discipline Procedures are communicated to students and parents at the start of each new school year in our school handbook posted on our web site as well as at an assembly.
  • Evacuation procedures are posted in all classrooms and staff is trained on procedures. Monthly drills are implemented.
  • Mandated reporting policies on child abuse, dangerous students, and sexual harassment are presented to the staff at the beginning of the school year.
  • Anonymous links on school website to report any safety concerns.

School Culture

  • Student Council fosters student involvement and shared decision making. Student council also helps with lessons on diversity, pride, and school community.
  • Classrooms and student council reinforce character education via a program that focuses on relevant traits to foster positive citizenship.
  • Students are recognized at Friday Flag Ceremony for success in academics and positive behavior.
  • Paloma’s Leadership Team meets monthly to maintain positive school culture. Grade levels meet to further address academic needs.
  • Our Super Readers program fosters a love of reading through assemblies and special visitors.

Paloma Elementary believes a positive environment promotes learning. Paloma staff, students and parents work together to ensure our school is an exceptional place to learn.


Todd Marquet


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